This article shows you how to export or share data collected using Hotjar's tools.
All exported time stamps are in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
When exporting or downloading Hotjar data into a spreadsheet, the timestamps are shown in UTC time zone. For more detail, see our How to Read Time Stamps in Hotjar guide.
To see the sharing and export options available, select a section below to learn more:
Create a short link to Hotjar Insights dashboard
For most Hotjar Insights pages, click the Generate short link button at the bottom right of the page to create a short link that can be viewed by other team members. These links do not expire and can be a quick method of sharing pages between Team Members in your Hotjar Organization.
How to share recordings
Recordings can be shared with team members with your Hotjar Organization, or by generating a public share link that makes the recording viewable to anyone with the link.
Open the recording you'd like to share by clicking the Play button.
Click on the Share icon at the top right of the playback screen.
Determine who will be able to view the recording.
Select from the dropdown menu whether the link should be viewable to Anyone, or only Team Members (people within your Hotjar Organization).
You can also choose to have playback start at a certain time in the recording by checking the box under the URL.
Copy the Share URL and send it to those you want to share it with.
Exporting a spreadsheet of Recording data
You can export a list of all session recordings and their metadata as a CSV or XLSX file. This is great for collaborating with colleagues or performing additional analysis.
Open your Recordings playlist.
Click on the export list icon.
Select the file format you want to receive data in.
Choose either the CSV or a XLSX file type. You'll see a confirmation message telling you that a download link will be sent to your logged in email address when the data is ready to download.
100,000 is the max number of recordings you can download in one export
If you have more than 100,000 recordings, we recommend filtering by date or other filters to reduce the number of recordings being downloaded at one time.
Check your email inbox that is associated with your Hotjar account.
The email sent from Hotjar will contain a link to download the data. Any Hotjar team member with Read access or higher can use this link to download the file while logged into Hotjar. If you are not logged in, you will first be sent to the login page.
If you don't receive an email after a few minutes, be sure to check your spam and bulk mail folders.
Open your spreadsheet in any software which can read CSV or XLSX files.
In the table below you can see examples of data that is shown in a Recording export file:
Export Column Name | Data Type (example) |
Recording URL | |
Publicly Shared | FALSE |
Already Watched | FALSE |
Comments | [0:00:07] Team Member: "test" |
Labels | ,,[0:00:08] Bug,[0:00:18] Success,[0:00:13] UI-UX Issue,[0:00:15] Frustration |
Created | 2022-01-24T13:14:17 |
New / Returning | Returning user |
Hotjar User ID | 7ed45bb6 |
Country | DE |
Action Count | 19 |
Page Count | 4 |
Duration (seconds) | 35 |
Device | Desktop |
Device Screen Size | 1920 X 875 |
Browser | Chrome |
Operating System | Mac |
Referrer URL | (if applicable) |
Landing Page URL | |
Exit Page URL | |
Rage Clicked | TRUE |
U-Turned | FALSE |
Net Promoter Score® | 10 |
Events | action_name |
Additional columns will contain User Attributes if applicable. | If user attributes were sent to Hotjar during the session, each attribute will have its own column which will contain the value(s) that were sent to Hotjar during the session. |
*Some columns will not appear depending on the features/filters available in your Hotjar plan. Data values will be blank if the associated information was not present in the user's session. Relevance, frustration and engagement are not exported.
How to share a heatmap
Heatmaps can only be shared within users who have access to your Hotjar Organization. Below are the steps that you can follow to share a heatmap:
Visit the heatmap you'd like to share.
Click the Share button on the top right of the page to generate a short link.
Click the copy icon to copy the short URL of that heatmap.
A short URL will be saved to your clipboard for sharing within your team.
Exporting an image of a heatmap or its data as a CSV
How to download a heatmap as an image
While viewing your heatmap, click on the download icon and select Download JPG. This will download a JPG image file of your heatmap.
How to download heatmap data as a CSV file
While viewing your heatmap, click on the download icon and select Download CSV. This will download a CSV file of your heatmap's data that includes the following columns:
- Click map: Element CSS selector, Total # of clicks, Visible in image, and percentage of total.
- Movement map: Element CSS selector, Total # of interaction points, Visible in image, % of total
- Scroll map: % of page scrolled, Pixels scrolled, # of visitors, % of visitors
How to share and download Highlights
Navigate to the Highlights page.

Click on a highlight.
Choose to Share or Download the highlight.
Click the Share icon to see the shareable link for a highlight.
Click the Download icon, and the highlight will be downloaded as a video file to your computer.
You can forward responses or create a workflow in Zapier
Responses to surveys don't have a 'Share' option. However, they can be forwarded to email, Slack, Microsoft Teams, by using a Webhook or added to a workflow via Zapier. You can also forward survey responses via the Hotjar API.
To set up forwarding on an existing survey, use
the forward button to the top right when viewing
your responses page.
How to export your Survey responses
Go to your Surveys page.
Select filters (optional)

The download file will contain all responses that match the selected filters.
With the Responses tab selected, click the Download icon.
Select the file format you want to receive the responses in.
Your options are a CSV or a XLSX file type. Exports of 10,000 responses or less will be via a direct download (immediately on the page). If you have more than 10,000 responses, you'll be emailed a download link.
Trends and Funnels
After applying the desired filters to your Trends page or steps to your Funnels page, you can create a short link by clicking the Generate short link button in the bottom-right corner of the page. Use this link to share pages between Team Members that have access to your Hotjar Organization. Short links in Hotjar do not expire.
The short link button is located in the bottom-right corner.
Sharing interview recordings with your team members
All team members in your Hotjar Organization have access to every Engage recording by default. You can send team members the direct link to one of the interviews listed under Your Projects in the Interviews tab, or to a specific recording. You can also invite new members to your team.
Sharing interview recordings to non-team members outside your Engage team
Your clients or your wider team may not have an Engage account. In this case, you can share the recordings through a password-protected URL. To get the direct link, open the recording and click the Share button in the top right corner.
The URL and password are automatically copied to your clipboard upon clicking in the field. Anyone with the link will have access to watch the recording indefinitely.
Can interview recordings be downloaded/exported?
While we don’t have a direct download button, it is possible to create a clip of the recording to download. There is no time restriction on the clip creation. This means you can create a clip of the whole recording and download the clip after 3-5 minutes of processing.
Can I export video files of my recordings, that can be watched later?
It is not possible to export video files of recordings directly. Only the recording meta data can be downloaded. This is because Hotjar recordings are not real-time videos of the visitor's screen, but rather a reconstruction of the pages they visited and their actions using data that we collect during their sessions.
However, it is possible to convert a recording into a highlight and download the highlight as a video file. This cannot be done for multiple recordings in bulk, but it can be used as a workaround to download videos of specific recordings.
Hotjar says it sent me a link to download my data via email, but I did not receive the email. What do I do?
For large exports, it may take a few minutes to receive the email. Check again after 15 minutes to confirm if it has arrived. Also, check to see if the message was sent to the wrong folder (spam, bulk mail, etc.) in your email account.
Can I export Hotjar data automatically to send it to my own database via API?
You can use the Hotjar API to export the following types of data from Hotjar to your own database:
We also have an integration with Zapier, which also makes it possible to send Hotjar data to another platform.