Hotjar works with the vast majority of technologies used to create websites, however, there are some platforms that Hotjar cannot be used due to technical limitations.
If you do not see the platform you are using on this list, reach out to our support team, and we will investigate into whether or not Hotjar can be used to gain insights from your site.
Hotjar can only be installed on sites you own
You need administrative access to the web hosting of any site you want to track with Hotjar. You also need to have the ability to insert the Hotjar tracking code into the HTML of any page you want to track. This requires that you either own the site or have explicit permission from the site owner to edit it.
Name | Reason not Compatible |
These platforms don’t support custom third-party JavaScript, so Hotjar scripts will not be able to run successfully. |
Tumblr’s Content Security Policy does not allow Hotjar as a domain. This means your tracking code will not be able to send data to Hotjar’s servers. |
Hotjar is not compatible with the Sharepoint platform due to many of the same limitations related to intranet sites. |
HTML Custom Code sections are injected iframes, isolated from the rest of the page. As a result, Hotjar can't track the site as iframes can't see the parent page. |
There are several reasons why we cannot support the installation of Hotjar on Shopify apps:
Note: We support the installation of Hotjar on your Shopify storefront and order status page, as explained in our Shopify installation guide. |
Name | Reason Not Compatible |
Android/iOS apps | Hotjar is not compatible with mobile apps. It is currently only compatible with websites and web-based applications. |
Windows/Linux/MacOS desktop apps | Hotjar is not compatible with desktop apps. It is currently only compatible with websites and web-based applications. |
Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) | AMP does not support third-party scripts (like ours), outside of iframes. Since iframes are sandboxed away from the rest of the site, it means Hotjar cannot access page information on your AMP pages. |
Cordova | Cordova allows you to use standard web technologies - HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development. Since Hotjar doesn't work on mobile apps yet, it can’t track an app built in Cordova. |
Electron | Electron is a framework for creating desktop applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Since you use it to create desktop applications and not web applications the Hotjar tracking code cannot be used. |
Ionic | Ionic is a framework for creating mobile apps with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. While Ionic can be used to develop websites as well, Hotjar is unable to track the Shadow DOM implementation that Ionic uses. |
Magento (2.3.0 or older) | Hotjar supports modern versions of Magento, but we are unable to support Versions 2.3.0 or older. Older versions of Magento use JavaScript libraries that are incompatible with Hotjar. |
Polymer | We are unable to track the Shadow DOM implementation within Polymer. |
Lit | Lit is an evolution of Poymer, also relying on the same implementation of Shadow DOM. Because of this, we are unable to track within Lit. |
TinyMCE | TinyMCE creates an iframe within which the text is edited on the page. As a result, the Hotjar tracking code would need to be added to the source page of the TinyMCE iframe, in order to track activity occurring within the iframe. Learn more about using Hotjar with iframes. |
Ceros | Ceros content is loading through an iframe. As a result, the Hotjar tracking code would need to be added to the source page of the Ceros iframe, in order to track activity occurring within the iframe. Learn more about using Hotjar with iframes. |
Prototype (1.7.2 and older) | Hotjar isn't compatible with Prototype.js versions lower than 1.7.3 because these versions overwrite basic browser functionality that Hotjar and other third-party scripts depend on. |
GlideApps | This framework doesn't support custom third-party JavaScript. |
GSAP Greensock library | This library uses animations in a way that Hotjar cannot detect and will prevent Heatmap screenshots and click data from displaying correctly. |
UX tools (ex: Figma, Adobe XD and Sketch) | UX tools don't generally have an area to install 3rd party scripts such as the <head>. |
Webview browsers | Since "webview" is a technology that allows an app to display web content, without using a traditional web browser, session data and recordings may not be captured correctly. |
<slot> elements | Content inside of a <slot> element combines separate DOM trees and can't be consistently captured by Hotjar. This will leave the corresponding sections blank in Recordings and Heatmaps. |
Salesforce Lightning Web | Lightning Web Components and Lightning Web Runtime may rely on <slot> elements, which are not supported by Hotjar. If you are not sure if you site uses <slot> elements, please confer with your developer. |
Canvas elements | Currently, it's not possible to view or track interactions on canvas or web-gl images. Canvas content and other 3D graphics are not exposed to the page DOM, so Hotjar can't access them and they won't appear in Heatmaps or Recordings. |
<dialog> elements |
The <dialog> element renders in a unique space created by the web browser called the #top-layer which sits on top of all other layers displayed in a web document. Elements inside the top-layer can create separate DOM trees that can't be captured properly by Hotjar, causing unexpected behavior. |