The User Lookup page lets you search for personal data associated with individual users of your site, based on an email address or unique User ID (if applicable). When a search is performed, Hotjar generates a report which allows you to view and delete the data connected with the user. You can also use this page to request a log of Team Members on your account who have performed User Lookup searches in the past.
Hotjar can only associate users with an email address if those users shared their email address through a Feedback tool response that gave consent to connect their responses to other Hotjar tools (such as Recordings).
The option to look up user data based on a User ID is only applicable if your site has passed unique User IDs via the User Attributes feature. If your site has never implemented User Attributes, then searching by User ID isn't necessary. This ID is different than the Site ID you see in your "Sites & Organizations" page.
User Lookup does not lookup personal data contained inside Heatmaps or Recordings
Personal information shown within Heatmap screenshots and Recordings are not linked to the User Lookup feature. For example, if a Hotjar recording displays an email address inside your page's HTML content, Hotjar would not find this with a User Lookup search. We recommend using our suppression features to prevent the accidental collection of personal data embedded in the content of your pages.
How to use User Lookup
A User Lookup can also be performed through the Hotjar API.
Check out the Hotjar API Reference doc to see how the Hotjar API can be used with the User Lookup feature.
Only team members with Account Owner, Admin, or Write permissions for your Hotjar Organization can perform User Lookup. Hotjar staff cannot run a User Lookup report on behalf of your site.
Click on your account icon in the top right and select Settings from the drop-down menu.
Click on the User Lookup tab
Select the Organization to search in the drop-down menu.
Enter the details of the user you would like to lookup.
If your site has not implemented User Attributes, then you only need to search via the DATA SUBJECT EMAIL. The DATA SUBJECT USER IDS fields will look for user data based on a unique User ID that was passed to Hotjar through the Identify API (used with the User Attributes feature). If your site has never implemented User Attributes, the DATA SUBJECT USER IDS field can be ignored.
Only one email address can be entered per-form
If you would like to lookup an individual with multiple email addresses or multiple users, a separate lookup request will need to be submitted for each email address. In contrast, multiple User IDs can be looked up in the same request.
If your site has implemented User Attributes, you should look up both the DATA SUBJECT USER ID and DATA SUBJECT EMAIL to ensure all relevant data is found. User IDs are searched on a per-site-basis, so if a user has requested a lookup across multiple sites on your account, you'll need to submit a User Lookup request for them on multiple sites.
User IDs are case-sensitive!
User IDs sent through the Identify API are case-sensitive, so confirm whether or not your IDs include upper or lower case characters when submitting a User Lookup request.
Click Submit Request.
You will be presented with a modal asking you to confirm.
Once a request is submitted, please allow up to 24 hours to receive the results via email if any are found. You can then manage the data as needed or forward the results email to the user who requested the info, so they can review and delete the data Hotjar had collected on them.
Click Submit New Request to look up another email address or User ID using the User Lookup feature.
How to view the Request log
Hotjar account holders can request a log of every Hotjar user that has performed a User Lookup in their respective accounts. The report is currently only available in CSV format.
Visit your User Lookup page and click Download Log As CSV to view the report.